Dear Readers,
Welcome to my Website. This is my first post. I will put my best effort to publish articles mainly useful and relevant to the Central Government Employees. Besides, there will also be occassional posts on cycling, chess, education, internet, technology, etc. I am keen to improve my website to make it more and more useful to you. Your feedback will keep me fuelled. I will be back to you soon with my First Article.
With best regards,
Updated on 02/08/2024
Website Inaugruated by Director, NIAMT, Ranchi
The website was formally inuagurated by Prof. P. P. Chattopadhyay, Director, NIAMT, Ranchi on 02 Aug, 2024 by clicking the publish button of the Article on LTC eligibility of new Govt. Employees during first eight years of service – with Illustration. Prof. Arvind Pandey, Registrar-in-Charge, few faculty members and staff of NIAMT, Ranchi were also present on the occasion. I express my sincere thanks to all of them. Here are some glimples of the inaugrual function and screenshots of the Home Page and Articles.
Website Inaugruation Give-away:
To share my happiness on the inaugruation of the website, I will give-away 1 year subscription of JioSaavn Pro or Google Play Pass to 50 random comments on the articles published on my website. The comments will be chosen out of the first 500 comments or all the comments to be received by 25 December 2024, whichever is later.
Selection of the comments will be based on random criterias like, earliest comments, number of comments by a particular reader, number of replies by other readers to a particular comment by a reader, relevance of the comments. Crtics/Feedbacks/Suggestions will also be considered as Comments for this purpose. No strings and conditions apply. The chosen commenters will be contacted by email as given while posting their comments (the emails will not be visible to other and will also not be published/shared by me).